How to make more money in your beauty business.

Just one way you make money in your beauty business today!

Owning a beauty business isn’t always about the glitter, glam and making your clients feel confident and beautiful (although, that would be amazing!). The reality is there’s so much more to running a successful business! A key part of ensuring your business runs smoothly and efficiently is the behind-the-scenes systems and time-consuming tasks that often sit on the backburner, get forgotten and sometimes create un-wanted stress when tax time rolls around. Sounds familiar, right? I’ve been in that position in the past, where I found myself drowning amid the social media advertising, radio advertising, flyer drops and monthly coaching sessions. Over the years, I became utterly fed up with the lack of results and cost tracking I was getting from these expensive promotional activities.

The light bulb moment

So, I took a step out of the box and looked outside of the beauty industry. I already knew that nobody else had the same ideas as me; I just needed a better way of showcasing it to my audience. My light bulb moment came when I realised I already had a resource I could use for my advertising - my beautiful, loyal and supportive customers! I knew I had to tap into their wants; needs and ideas would help create the success of my business (Hoorah!).

TIP: In addition to utilising my customer base, for hours I’d research successful businesswomen that inspired me. This helped maintain an abundant mindset, helping me to promote exactly what I could offer my clients to satisfy them. You should try it too!

Sales for success

As professionals in the beauty industry, we are trained to nurture and care for our clients so they leave feeling more fabulous than they did walking in. What’s not spoken about too often, is the subject of sales and making money. Understandably, when the topic does pop up, it can feel uncomfortable and a little icky.  I’m here to help change this! I want you to remember that those sales are what keep you in business, helping you to continue providing these much-needed services to your amazing clients.

“Selling is service and service is selling.” – Jessica Kidner

Your clients are visiting you to fix a problem they’re desperate to solve. When they walk in, our job is to provide them with exceptional service and products that overcome those beauty woes. In my own beauty business, I was predominantly offering nail and waxing services. While at times I felt I didn’t have much to offer, I kept my mind open to the possibility of new ideas and strategies! Along with some amazing encouragement from my husband and implementing those strategies, my beauty business became a success!

Making a valuable connection with your clients

Now that I knew I had to tap into the minds of my customers and solve their problems, I had to figure out how I could put all of this into action! When I was designing my very first sale, I found the most effective way to communicate with my clients was via email. And after years of compiling client details without knowing the value in it, I could now use this to my advantage.    This was the moment everything changed and I had my first exciting breakthrough! I realised I could directly connect, build relationships and sell to these people I knew needed my help over email. It also made me happier knowing the costs were practically free, with only a small amount of time needed from myself.Careful planning of my very first email and hitting the send button was all it took for my success to soar and for me to feel amazing! Within the first hour, I sold my first $400 package. My next offer was $1200, and that sold almost instantly. My system worked over and over, and so I was addicted and continued to use this method as part of my business regularly.I was able to easily communicate my offer to clients that satisfied their needs. I was selling thousands of dollars worth of packages, locked in regular client bookings while securing cash in my account straight away.

Your FREE 7 Step Guide!

I bet you’re wondering how I achieved all of this? Firstly, you’ll need to collate all current and past client details together, including their full name, email address, phone number and anything else important (this will be the ultimate foundation of the exciting guide I’ve created just for you below!).Yes, it’s true! As a supporter of my work, I want you to feel amazing, reap the same results and get the sales you deserve! So, here it is. I created a simple and FREE 7 Step guide on how to put a successful sale together in your beauty business!

In this guide you’ll get 7 simple steps helping to guide you in selling your own offers! These are the same steps I used on my road to success, so I know you’ll get to experience all the joy and pleasure of making successful sales while helping your clients. Download it for free below!

Now you have the list, you can print off and tick off the tasks as you go and refer back to it as much as you need! Make sure you keep me updated with your success. Love,Jessica xo P.S. We’re only scratching the surface with creating a successful sale! If you’d like to learn about how to hold a sale and win your customers over for years to come, then make sure you sign up to my waitlist for “How to Hold a Sale” where I cover everything and go over every step to get you selling your way to success in the future!

To learn more about my journey and read my tips and tricks of building a successful beauty business that sold for 6 figures, connect with me today. Keep up to date with my latest blogs, news and advice on Instagram and Facebook


5 Ways to Optimise Your Beauty Business Website


How I grew my beauty business to multiple 6 figures