5 Ways to Optimise Your Beauty Business Website

Everyone keeps telling you that you need an awesome website but you’re a little unsure if the one you have is good enough; or heaven for-bid you don’t even have one! Eek! 

 Today more than ever, an on-brand, well structured, easy-to-navigate website is a must to increase your online presence and secure clients.


A well-designed website enables you to:

  • Showcase your services and skills

  • Exhibit you as an expert in your field

  • Sell your products or services

  • Build your email list

  • Increase your target audience reach


Here are 5 ways you can optimise your beauty business website today:

  1. Make it easy for your clients to book you.

    For most beauty salons the main purpose of a website is to get client bookings. With this in mind, the most important thing is to have a clear call to action. Ensure that when a potential client lands on your home page, there is a booking button front and centre. That every page of your website has a link or button to make a booking and that you also have the link in your menu. This makes it easy for potential clients to book in with you.

  2. Make it easy for your clients to find you.

    As a bricks and mortar business, it’s important that you have your physical address on your homepage and on your contact page. Make it easy for new clients to find you. On the contact page you can also embed a google map, this then allows clients to quickly get directions to your salon. You can also add your address into the footer on each page. 

  3. Ensure your website is mobile friendly.

    There is nothing worse than clicking on to a website and it doesn’t display correctly on mobile. Studies show that in 2018, 58% of website visitors are on their mobile phone (Perficient Digital). Now, if you think about your own mobile phone usage, are you browsing the net, using social, all while juggling kids, work and home life? Yes? So are your potential clients. Ensure that your website is mobile friendly. Check over every page and make adjustments as needed. Check to ensure your site loads fast, it’s readable, your booking function & contact pages work.

  4. List your salon phone number.

    This one sounds like a no-brainer right? Wrong… I have seen some salons completely forget to include their phone number on their website and the only way to contact them was through their contact form. Now, they may have done this on purpose, but as a business that offers personal services, sometimes a client may have a couple of questions to ask before they make their booking. You don’t want to lose potential clients if they can’t easily talk with you. So make sure you have your phone number in the menu bar and/or front and centre on your home page. Don’t forget to include it on your contact page as well. 

  5. Don’t forget to build your email list.

    Did you know that your email list is the only thing you actually own in the online space, everything else is ‘rented’? Building an email list means that you have access directly to your target audience in the unlikely event your social media accounts or website goes down. You can also re-market to these people on a regular basis. Entice your website visitors to sign up by offering them something in exchange for their email. For example: a discount off a certain service, a free pdf download on skincare, a buy one get one free special etc. Add your email opt-in form to your homepage and in multiple places across your website. Then send out regular newsletters to your email list and see your sales grow!


Set aside a couple of hours this week to check over your website. Make sure you have all these things working correctly and you’ll be ahead of the competition. 


Need a website? Or have one that needs to be updated? Get in touch, we’d love to help. You can book a call with us here.


Alethea Tuitahi 

Founder & Communication Designer at Cloud Executive Services

To keep up to date with Jessica and all things beauty business related 

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