Goal Setting For Your Life And Business In 2022

Welcome to 2022. Now you might be wondering “oh shit what have we got coming our way this year”. 

I get it and to be honest, I’m sort of in the same frame of mind. The idea of running a business right now with so much upheaval is a nightmare. 

However, there comes a point in one’s life where you just need to look forward, plan where you want to go and hold the hell on. 

Because the fact is everyone is in the same predicament

In my experience, for you to get through the hard times, you’ve got to be working towards something - a destination for your journey. 

Specifically… goals... Yep, it’s that time of the year everyone starts talking about goals again. 

Why is that?


I know you may be feeling tired and overwhelmed from 2021. It's hard to set goals when the world feels so out of control. But without them, you may just feel more out of control or even worse you’ll drift aimlessly through the year without achieving anything. 

Sometimes that feels like you're falling and being pulled in every direction.

You might be surprised to hear, I’m not one to set goals in the first few days of the new year, in fact, I normally don’t get into the swing of it until the second or third week of January and that’s ok. There is no right time to set goals, you’re not falling behind if you haven’t got around to it yet. The perfect time to set your intentions and goals is whenever you feel inspired to. The most important step is to check in with those goals on a regular basis.

I like to start writing down a few ideas in early December and then leave it to the side until the yearly planning session I do in mid-January. This way I have time to think about how the ideas might fit and if I feel aligned to them. 

For me goals are a great way of taking back some of my power; they keep me focused when I start to fall down the rabbit hole of fear or shiny object syndrome. 

They encourage me to look for a solution instead of falling into a pity party. I want to help you become more solution focused over fear or survival mode.

This year, I managed to get my planning session done a few days early thanks to isolation (happy new year to me with a positive test result on new year's day). I have a system which I have followed for years now for planning my whole year: from family holidays, work schedule, business ideas, business strategies to content planning for the whole of 2022.

As a mother of 3, I need to be a little more organised and with the threat of homeschooling on the cards for 2022 you may need to be extra organised too.  

Want to know more about how I tie this all together? I walk you through my whole process in the “beauty biz planner “ workshop you can check out here.

One of the exercises I did this year before I started goal setting was a review of my life and business. I wrote out everything I could remember I did or felt accomplished in 2021.  And I realised something in 2021 that made me a little uneasy.

If we aren't intentional with our time and our efforts life will happen to us anyway, and I don’t know about you but I would like to have a little more say in the things that I achieve and accomplish in the coming years. 

So, here are 22 things I did business related and personal in 2021 which I’m proud of.

I also set 22 new intentions for the new year. 

I have set the intention and also listed out the habits I need to form to ensure these become reality. Because that is where the magic happens, not in the goal-setting but in the habits you form to support the system to achieve your goals. 

Doing this exercise has helped me become even more excited for 2022 and what it holds for me. I encourage you to spend some time today to set your own intentions for the year. 

And if you feel brave, share them with me over at beautyceohq Instagram. 


If you want a helping hand with your goals and business planning join the workshop here 


Review of 2021 and goal setting for 2022 


  1. Became a blood donor 

  2. Threw an awesome Cinderella birthday party for my 7-year-old 

  3. Went for my first hike with the family.

  4. Called an ambulance for my anaphylactic son 

  5. Launched my 1:1 coaching program with huge success 

  6. Grieved the death of a client and cried for a week straight, and came to the realisation life is too short and we need to focus more clearly on what brings us joy and what we want to leave behind when we go.

  7. Got to see awesome results,breakthroughs and milestones smashed out by my clients 

  8. Celebrated 11 years married with a takeaway dinner at home 

  9. Bought a new puppy (wasn’t as much fun as I thought) 

  10. Started my New membership the Beauty CEO Method Society (to a few of my 1:1 clients)

  11. Got a professional photoshoot just to get back in front of the camera 

  12. Rebranded Beauty CEO HQ 

  13. Gave myself grace with being a mother of 3 and needing to be available to them in this time of pandemic and uncertainty. 

  14. Read my first autobiography book in 2 days. 

  15. Got a new camera to start using for my YouTube channel.

  16. Got covid on the last day of the year 🤦🏻‍♀️

  17. Went to Italian cooking classes for a month with my mother in-law 

  18. Become a dance mum for one whole term. Then cried when my little girl got up on stage - she was so brave and performed perfectly. It was crazy and a little overwhelming - now I’ve decided to try a different school.

  19. Allowed myself to stop the podcast for the year while I dealt with everything else I had going on. I’m not into pressure and I want to do things because I want to not because I have to 👏🏻

  20. Registered some trademarks 😬

  21. Got published in the beauty biz mag 

  22. Home schooled 2 kids with not much success 


Here is a personal and business-related list of 22 things I want to make sure I do more of in 2022


01 Cook different foods and see more colour on our plates 

02 Go rock climbing 

03 Go on 1 date a month with my husband 

04 Have at least 2 mini-vacations 

05 Do Spanish and Thai cooking classes 

06 Go throw hammers and break stuff (I have a gift certificate I need to use) 

07 Move my body daily for 20 mins 

08 Go on more walks with my dog 

09 Have family days out every month 

10 Go on a family holiday (somewhere out of the state if I’m brave enough)

11 Take off school holidays 100% 

12 Grow my blog with kick ass content to support women in business

13 Be consistent with my Youtube channel

14 Grow my Society and support the women inside there to grow and nature their business

15 Do at least 1 speaking event 

16 Read 1 book a month 

17 Make an effort to have coffee with 1 friend a month 

18 Systemise my content to work harder for me (more on that this year on the blog)

19 Connect with my children on an individual basis more often

20 Develop more products to support my readers and clients 

21 Redevelop my signature program 

22 Open up 6 spots for the 1:1 coaching for the whole of 2022 


Now go ahead and put your own list together of things you will work towards over the year. And if you want more support with planning and strategising your business check out the beauty biz planner workshop here opens on the 17th January 2022



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