40 Things I Learnt About Business 

I turned 40 last week, and I was able to have a beautiful holiday with my 3 children and husband. We even invited extended family.

It was a considerable task juggling it all but lots of fun and a great bonding experience.

This trip had been a long-time goal of mine. One thing you need to know about me is I like to future plan, write out my big massive goals and set intentions around achieving them. Of course, I'm not always on the mark with it all the time. But many of my dreams have come to reality by future journalling and allowing myself to think about and envision what life would be like once those goals come to reality.

Actually, come to think of it, I only have 2 massive goals left on my goal list. Which have been sitting there for the last five years, so I need to buckle down and focus. As I said, this trip was one of those goals.
I didn't want a party for my 40th. I wanted to build memories with my children and enjoy the whole experience of being looked after and eating all the good food.

While away, I was thinking about what I learned over the years. What I wish I had known earlier in life through my journey of growing into a woman, mother, wife and business owner.

I got my note app out and spat out very quickly 40 things I feel are essential for other women like you to hear and know as you also go through your journey building your life and business.


40 things I learnt in life and business that you need to know.

  1. Your success is dependent on you. No one is coming to build you the life you want. It is up to you to know what you want and then create a plan to achieve it.

  2. No one will fully support you for long periods, and that's ok. Take what you can get.

  3. Others will have their own business and career interests, which is ok. Learn to manage your emotions and grow at each level.

  4. Feeling called to do all the things only leads to burnout. 

  5. You will never keep everyone happy, so don't lose sleep trying.

  6. Always check in with yourself and build your business around your chosen lifestyle 

  7. No need to sweat the small stuff. Even the big stuff will be forgotten about in a few years (yep, it's true) 

  8. You don't need to buy all the things.

  9. Learning to manage your money is more critical than upskilling in a service 😮 and buying all the shiny new things.

  10. When you become the owner, your job is no longer to do the service, it is to focus on the client journey and build your business footprint and brand.

  11. Happy family life/ your mental health is more important than a business.

  12. Don't hold on to trauma. Let it go, but don't forget it( which means don't make the same mistakes)

  13. Taking advantage of opportunities when they align with your goals. 

  14. Know what your North Star is and make your decisions based on that 

  15. Document all of it, even if it's just to sit on a desktop somewhere 

  16. What you know other people will pay for. 

  17. Always book in a lunch break. 

  18. Never work more than 38 hours a week. There is no need for it. 

  19. Changing your mind on a dream is completely fine and natural.

  20. Moving your body is good for your mind as well as your body.

  21. Allow people to help you when needed. 

  22. Continue to learn and listen to others. 

  23. People pleasing is a way to avoid conflict. Conflict isn't always a bad thing. Learn to know your boundaries around your time and your money.

  24. Taking action is the key to making changes good or bad the results are always a learning experience. 

  25. A failure is a lesson and a blessing. Learn from it.

  26. You're never going to get everything right first go. Get it done and tweak it always. 

  27. You don't need to be everywhere. 

  28. Wake up a little early. It is good for your soul.

  29. Talking to a trusted friend, partner or therapist helps work through your thoughts.

  30. Business is a tool to create a life you want 

  31. It's never too late. 

  32. Don't let your dreams and desires sit for too long. They may just end up as someone else's. 

  33. Rest is as essential as a strategy. 

  34. Earning money benefits not only you but everyone around you. 

  35. You only get one life and every day is a chance to enjoy it. 

  36. Laugh more.

  37. Be thankful for each day and be brave enough to build your dreams today.

  38. Without taking small steps, big things can't be achieved. 

  39. Make more time for intimacy. It's good for stress and connection. 

  40. Love yourself and be kind with the words you say to yourself. You're always listening. 


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